From primary schools to multi-campus universities, providing a safe, secure learning environment within the constraints of today’s budgets and regulations is a challenge for every education system. Protect offers integrated security solutions that help education facilities meet the challenge. Nurseries, Schools and colleges have an important role in protecting both staff and pupils that is why it is crucial that the correct security measures are in place.
The safety of students and staff is vital for every school. The distinctive quality and flexibility of our network cameras effectively reduce the threat of harassment and violence. Suitable for monitoring school playgrounds, hallways, gyms, lunch areas and classrooms, they ensure the safety of students and staff, and prevent damage to school property. With an increasing focus on everything from bullying, to medical emergencies and vandalism, campus security is more important than ever. Administrators understand that they’re not only responsible for protecting school property, but must also provide students, teachers and personnel a safe-yet-nurturing environment.
What protects people isn’t alarms or cameras, it’s integrated access control and communications. Our team of security system experts can help you identify the best configuration and layout for your security surveillance system by building custom, flexible plans for your school or district needs, now and into the future. Our IP-based network cameras and recording devices are engineered to integrate seamlessly with your existing security systems, thanks to our “open format” system that’s easy to implement and manage. Outdoor and vandal-proof cameras can withstand even the toughest environments. Multi-format network video recorders offer a complete network solution for simultaneous recording, remote access to live views and playback of critical events.
Whether you’re renovating facilities, upgrading an existing security system or starting new construction, you’ll feel more secure with Panasonic protecting you.